Updated for 2019
Permission Slips
Permission slips are generally handed out to Scouts at the regular meetings leading up to the campout/event. We used to have links to them here on the site, which was great in theory but didn’t always work out in practice. It’s simply easier to hand them out in person. Permission slips are available from the Scoutmaster practically right up to when we’re pulling out of the parking lot.
2019 BSA Health Form
All Scouts attending Summer Camp are required to have a valid BSA health form filled out and signed by a health professional. This form must be completed annually. The form must be completed before Summer Camp.
Be sure to allow plenty of time for a doctor visit so you meet the deadline. Summer Camps are very strict about this rule. They absolutely will not allow someone to attend if the form is not turned in. We don’t want to have anyone turned away for lack of a properly filled out form!
- Frequently Asked Questions about health forms.
- Official BSA page for Annual Health and Medial Records. The summer camp forms can be found in the “Are You Going to Camp?” section. (Click on the big blue download button.)
Beaumont Scout Reservation Forms
- General Forms Page (download links to all Beaumont forms)