The remaining popcorn fits into my car, so I plan on bringing all of it to the meeting tonight. If you have not yet picked up your order, please stop in at Spruce school and pick it up. Thanks! ~~…
Popcorn Is Here and is Ready To Be Picked Up!
The popcorn has landed and is currently in my living room! Any scout at tonight’s meeting is welcome to stop at my house afterwards and pick up their popcorn order. I understand that several scouts may not be at…
Popcorn Order — Please Check This List
This is to confirm who I have popcorn orders from. I have order sheets from the following Scouts: Aeden Hopkins Anthony Bencina Chris & Kevin Sherman Colin Dunn Connor Jones Jaydon Daniello Luke Duncan Luke Mortensen Robert Haas If you…
Popcorn Is Here!
The popcorn has landed and is currently in my living room! Any scout at tonight’s meeting is welcome to follow me home and pick up their popcorn order. I understand that several scouts will not be at the meeting due…
Popcorn Prizes — Selections Due!
I need to have Popcorn prize selections by 5PM Sunday, November 8th so I can place the order on Sunday evening. You will have to let me know your prize order via email ( or by phone (440-777-4918). Scouts eligible for…
Reminder: Popcorn Prize Orders
So far I have only heard from ONE Scout about their popcorn prize selection. Please let me know ASAP! POPCORN PRIZES: I need to have Popcorn prize orders by Saturday, November 15th so I can place the order on Sunday. You…
Popcorn Details & Links
Popcorn Details Popcorn details are now on the web site. Click the Popcorn tab on the main menu for product details, prize lists, selling tips, and important dates. Popcorn Link Here is a link to a special 664 popcorn page…