We need to have everything up to date for next year. Rechartering fees and updates are due very soon. If you can have it ready by next week’s meeting that would be perfect. PARENTS: Rechartering is $40 per Scout. Boy’s…
Rechartering Fees Due Today
Mr. Anderson is handling our rechartering effort this year, and he needs to have everything up to date so everyone is set up properly for next year. Rechartering fees and updates are due to Mr. Anderson by TODAY, 12/6/16.…
Reminder: Rechartering Time!
Mr. Anderson is handling our rechartering effort this year, and he needs to have everything up to date so everyone is set up properly for next year. Rechartering fees and updates are due to Mr. Anderson by 12/6/16. If there is…
Rechartering Time Is Here
Mr. Anderson is handling our rechartering effort this year, and he needs to have everything up to date so everyone is set up properly for next year. Rechartering fees and updates are due to Mr. Anderson by 12/6/16. If there is…