Dear Scouts and Parents, A reminder that your Take Order popcorn will be available at this week’s Troop Meeting. Please contact me if you cannot make the meeting for alternate product transfer arrangements. Remember to collect monies as you distribute…
Popcorn: Monies due; Take Order forms due
October 29: Show & Sell monies due, and Take Order forms due. (Blank Take Order form available at this link.) November 19: Pick up Take Orders (to distribute to your customers) November 26: Taker Order monies due. Sep – Nov:…
Popcorn: Final Two Weeks
Troop 664, We’re in the final two weeks of Popcorn Show & Sell sales and Take Orders! Here are the important dates: October 29: Show & Sell monies due, and Take Order forms due. November 19: pick up Take Orders…
Popcorn Selling Opportunity: Kiwanis Meetings
Dear Troop 664 Scouts and Parents, I spoke with Dave Dillon about selling popcorn at the Kiwanis meetings, and he has cleared with their leadership for the troop to come September 23 and 30, starting at 6PM. Ramer’s are already…
Troop Popcorn 2019 Sale
Dear Scouts and parents, Our once-a-year popcorn sale fundraising season is here! This is an easy way to fund the troop and help reduce the costs of weekend camp outs and summer camp. 20% of your popcorn sales go directly…
Message from Mr. Mortensen
A message from Mr. Mortensen: Dear Troop 664 parents, Popcorn season is almost upon us, and your current Popcorn Kernel is looking for some help. I will train and manage the sales effort for this year but would like an…
This Tuesday will be the final recycling pickup for the year. Please make sure you gather all your cans and bring them to Tuesday’s meeting. The money we gain from recycling helps the Troop buy equipment and fund activities–thank you…
The Take Order popcorn is in!
Troop 664 scouts and families, The Take Order popcorn is in! Right now it’s at my house. I have popcorn for the following scouts: Aedan Anthony Connor Daidrick Logan Luke Robert So if you’d like to pick it up before…
No Recycling Pickup on 11/13
Mr. Dillon informed me that he will be unable to pick up the cans and other recycling tomorrow night, November 13th. Please save your cans for next time. ~~ Mr. Furin
Popcorn: Down To The Wire!
Troop 664, First, a shout out for Robert and Braden who did their best with the Kiwanis popcorn sales the past two weeks. Now, time is running out to sell Show N’ Sell Popcorn and Take Orders. I still have…