Troop 664 North Olmsted OH

Popcorn 2016

Popcorn Selling Season Is Here


The annual Boy Scout popcorn sale kicks off on Friday, September 16th.

Click to view:
Order Form (shows product details as well)

Selling Online:

There are two ways to sell online.

Troop 664 Popcorn Site

The first, and most primitive, is to direct your friends and family to Troop 664’s popcorn site ( where they can view the products we are selling locally (i.e., from the Greater Cleveland Council).  This page is just a fancy listing of the same products and prices that are you have on the paper order form.  Friends and family members who are out of town (or whom you might not see often) can see the products without having to physically see the order form.  If they decide to order, they contact the Scout and he writes their order on the paper form–just as if he made the sale in person.

When the popcorn comes in, the Scout must deliver it to the buyer.

Trails End Site

Scouts may also create a custom web page at Trails End (the popcorn vendor) that can be shared with family and friends.  Scouts are required to register with Trails End.  This is a national program, so the product lineup and prices are different from the Greater Cleveland Council’s selections.

The customer will have to pay shipping costs, but the product is sent directly to them from Trails End.  The Scout will not have to deliver it.  This is a great way to sell to family and friends that live far from North Olmsted.

Troop 664 and the Greater Cleveland Council will get credit (and commission) from the sale.

Please contact Mr. Furin if you are unsure how to set this up.  In most cases the combination of higher prices plus shipping makes this option much more expensive than the traditional order method.

A Few Dates:

  • Troop 664 Popcorn Sale is from September 16th to October 25, 2016.  You must have your order turned in to Mr. Furin on October 25th.
  • Popcorn will be picked up from the distribution center on November 11, and will be distributed to the troop shortly thereafter.


The more you sell the cooler the prizes!  Check out the 2016 prize brochure!


Our goal is for each Scout to sell $300 worth of popcorn.

Order Forms

The actual order forms will be distributed at the troop meetings.  If you need more forms, contact Mr. Furin.  You can also download one from the Greater Cleveland BSA web site at this link.

Scout Selling Tips

  • ALWAYS wear your Field Class “A” uniform. Everyone loves to support a Scout in uniform.
  • Pick a prize and set a sales goal to get to that prize. 2016_Popcorn_Prizes
  • ALWAYS sell in pairs or with an adult. Never sell after dark.
  • ALWAYS act like a Scout and be polite and courteous. Wear a smile and introduce yourself.
  • ALWAYS walk on the sidewalk and driveway, not through the yard. Watch for traffic.
  • Never enter anyone’s house.
  • ALWAYS have 2 pens with you.
  • Make sure you know the different types of popcorn you are selling.
  • Be sure to tell the customer how the money will be used. (1/3 to Scouting, 1/3 to the Troop, 1/3 cost of popcorn)
  • Make sure you know when you will be delivering the orders.
  • The more people you ask, the more you will sell.
  • Place popcorn sale articles in your school, church and community bulletins/newsletters.
  • Remind your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and neighbors what a great gift popcorn makes
    for teachers, friends, co-workers, etc.
  • Save your Take Order forms so you can call on the same people again next year.
  • Tell them why you are selling.
  • Let them know how good the popcorn is.
  • Say “Thank You” even if they don’t buy anything.