Arrive at Spruce School at 6:30 AM Sunday morning so we can pack the gear.
We will be leaving “wheels up” at 7:00 AM.
Please eat breakfast beforehand.
Bring a packed lunch for the trip. We will stop for lunch at a rest area or gas station. Do not count on restaurant-style food being available. The Troop does not provide lunch.
If you are on medication, double-check that you have all medications for the week.
If you take medication for travel (i.e., to avoid car-sickness) please make sure you have taken it the appropriate amount of time before we leave.
Please review the Gear Checklist on the website under the Summer Camp tab.
Note: There are no aerosol cans allowed. Be sure your sunscreen, insect repellent, deodorant, etc. are in pump bottles or solid.
Uniform is Class “A” for travel.
Portable electronics ARE ALLOWED when travelling. They are NOT allowed once we are in camp.
New Scout Parents: You should send some cash with your son so he can buy the infamous camp slushies and other treats. All meals are provided, but often the boys get special treats on their own.
See you Sunday!