Please bring your popcorn order forms and any money you have collected to tonight’s meeting (10/28). Make sure your name is on the order form(s).
I will be giving your order forms back to you when the popcorn arrives, but you might want to keep a copy for yourself just to be on the safe side. That way if something is lost you will still know who gets what product.
Please bring any money or checks you have collected in the “money envelope” with your name clearly PRINTED on it. If you lost the official money envelope, any envelope will do as long as your name is clearly visible. Don’t worry if you have not collected all the money. I understand there are always a few customers who want to pay you later. You can collect when you deliver the popcorn and turn in the money at a future meeting. Just be sure you have carefully marked who has paid on your order form.
Remember that tonight we will be hosting Webelos at our meeting. As we all know, Scouts in Troop 664 are always on their best behavior but please be especially mindful that you will be setting an example for the younger Scouts tonight. Just sayin’…
See you this evening!
~~ Mr. Furin