The list of merit badges has been updated, with even more being offered.
More details, including counselor names and prerequisites, can be downloaded in this spreadsheet. Even more details are on our event page.
- American Business
- American Cultures
- American Heritage
- Animation
- Art
- Aviation
- Backpacking
- Bird Study
- Bugling
- Camping
- Chemistry
- Chess
- Citizen in Community
- Citizen in Nation
- Citizen in World
- Collections
- Communications
- Composites
- Cooking
- Crime Prevention
- Cycling
- Digital Technology
- Disability Awareness
- Dog Care
- Drafting
- Electricity
- Energy
- Engineering
- Environmental Science
- Family Life
- Fingerprinting
- First Aid
- Fishing
- Fly Fishing
- Game Design
- Gardening
- Genealogy
- Geocaching
- Golf
- Hiking
- Indian Lore
- Interpreter Strip – American Sign Language
- Interpreter Strip – French
- Interpreter Strip – Italian
- Inventing
- Journalism
- Merit Badge Counsellor Training
- Music
- Nuclear Science
- Orienteering
- Personal Fitness
- Personal Management
- Pets
- Photography
- Programming
- Public Speaking
- Pulp & Paper
- Reading
- Reptiles & Amphibians
- Robotics
- Safety
- Salesmanship
- Scholarship
- Signs, Signals and Codes
- Snack Bar
- Snow Sports
- Soil & Water Conservation
- Space Exploration
- Sports
- Sustainability
- Textile
- Traffic Safety
- Trail the Eagle
- Truck Transportation
- Weather
- Wilderness Survival