Troop 664,
First, a shout out for Robert and Braden who did their best with the Kiwanis popcorn sales the past two weeks.
Now, time is running out to sell Show N’ Sell Popcorn and Take Orders. I still have product at my house, if you need more. Monies from your Show & Sell sales are due Tuesday, October 30. (checks can be written to Troop 664, if that’s easier than cash) Also, your Take Order forms are due on October 30. Thanks to those who have already turned in their Show and Sell money!
If you haven’t registered to sell on-line, it’s not hard, and it’s not too late just go to On-line sales do not end next week. This is a great time to contact family and friends who don’t live locally.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Dale Mortensen
Your Popcorn Kernel
440.731.1136 (mobile)