Below is a message from Mr. Lambert that was sent via Scoutbook. Please respond directly to him (see email below) and not to this message.
Mr. Lambert refers to an email attachment. The website cannot send attachments, and I am not placing the form on the site because of privacy concerns–as by nature the form needs to show the boy’s names. Please contact Mr. Lambert for any questions, or be sure to attend tonight’s meeting. -Mr. Furin
Good Afternoon Troop #664 Families,
For those of you who were unable to attend our All Scouts Weekend Court of Honor Ceremony, we missed you. The weather was perfect for the scouts to take off and have fun while some of the adults (leaders and parents) could set back and talk about scouting and/or life in general.
One of the things that was discussed is the need to order new Class “B” T-shirts for summer camp. It is suggested that each scout has a minimum of three Class “B” shirts for the week. We know that some scouts may only have one and many of the newer scouts may not have any. With Summer Camp approaching quickly, 12 days away, the troop will be placing an order for new Class “B” shirts sometime after our regular meeting on Tuesday.
We are currently looking at two vendors for the new shirts and comparing prices. One thing we do know is that the longer we wait to place an order the more expensive the shirts will become as we will need to pay for expedited processing and delivery fees. Currently without the extra fees our price should be around $10 or $11 per shirt depending on total amount being ordered.
I am attaching a draft order form that was started at the Court of Honor. (see note above -Mr.F) If you signed up for shirts already, please check to make sure the sizes and numbers are correct. If you still need to sign up for shirts, please reply to this email with the quantity and sizes needed. You are more than welcome to purchase an extra shirt or two for yourself or family members.
Once the order is placed we will let everyone know the cost per shirt and amount owed per scout/family order.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Bob Lambert
Troop #664