The Fall 2013 Court of Honor will be held Tuesday, October 15, 2013 from 7:15 to 8:30 PM at Spruce School.
Boys should wear their Class A uniform (scout shirt, tan or khaki pants, dress shoes or hiking boots, neckerchief, badge sash). The Troop will provide cups, forks, napkins, and plates. Each family is asked to share as follows:
- Munchies (1 bag) — Anderson, Campbell, Chalker, Haas
- Beverages (2 bottles) — Dunn, Becker, Sherman, Meike
- Desserts (to serve ~20) — Duncan, Beatrez, Furin, Doucette, Phillips, Schultz, Davies, Johr
Questions (or unable to attend): Call Cheryl Anderson at 979-1138