Summer Camp is just about one month away. Here are a few reminders which you have heard before but are worth repeating:
An up to date Health & Medical Form must be filled out for each camper. BSA health forms are valid for one year, so chances are you will need an updated version prior to Summer Camp. If you haven’t already done so, it’s time to schedule a physical with your doctor. Please don’t wait until the last minute! You can download a health form on the Forms Page on the troop website.
This camp does not provide cots, unlike other camps we’ve stayed at in the past. Woodland Trails supplies a wooden platform and a canvas wall tent, but everyone will be required to bring their own cot for the week.
Woodland Trails has an excellent listing of all the programs being offered during our week at this link: Please click on the Activities tab, then click View Activity Details for any merit badge you are taking. The prerequisites are listed there. Don’t be disappointed or turned away because you haven’t completed your prerequisites.
If you are taking the Horsemanship or ATV programs you and your parent/guardian will need to sign a waiver. See the Forms page on the website to download them.